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The Science behind Moonai

What if we could combine the proven approach of mindfulness apps with the science of sound to alter pain perception? And what if we specifically focus on women's brains and their hormonal fluctuations?

See how our neuroscience-based sounds and our educational content can help you feel better

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Sound reduces pain, but not all sounds counts

Brain scans show that your brain perceives music, pain and emotions in a similar way. Listening to pleasing music increases activity in parts of the brain’s reward center, and some studies suggest that music can interfere with the signals your brain interprets as pain.

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Certain sounds, frequencies and rhythms can impact the central nervous system and help reduce the perception of menstrual pain.

But not all sounds count, which is why we are partnering with neuroscientists, gynecologists, and psychoacoustic experts to provide the most effective sounds for period pain relief.

Some say their period pain is similar to what contractions during labor feel like. Others describe their cramps as if someone was stabbing, piercing, or scratching their insides. Research* has proven that music significantly minimizes that pain.

*Effect of Music on Labor Pain Relief, Anxiety Level and Postpartum Analgesic Requirement: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. S. Simavli and I. Gumus and I. Kaygusuz and M. Yildirim and B. Usluogullari and H. Kafalı. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 2014, vol. 78, pp. 244 – 250.

Pain prediction affects perception

Your period pain has physiological causes, like inflammation or medical conditions. But research shows there are other factors that also increase how much pain you feel: your thoughts, your emotions, and your social support. This means that you can, literally, amplify or minimize how much pain you feel each month.

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Our past experiences often shape our expectations of the future, which in turn can influence how we perceive future events.

Previous work* has shown that our expectation of how painful a stimulus will be can influence our perception of that stimulus and our response to it.

*Prediction of pain outcomes in a randomized controlled trial of dose–response of spinal manipulation for the care of chronic low back pain. Darcy Vavrek, Mitchell Haas, Moni Blazej Neradilek, and Nayak Polissar. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015; 16: 205.

Untreated pelvic and period pain has consequences

Period and pelvic pain increases oxidative stress and changes the brain structure of those who experience it. Research also shows that period pain increases pain sensitivity, changes bone density, alters HPA axis, and is a general risk factor for temporomandibular disorders and chronic pain.

All these are reasons why period pain should be addressed and ended, now.

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Our Experts

Supported since day one by award-winning and world-leading pioneers in pelvic pain management, neuroscience, and neurological music, #slay.

Moonai is proud to collaborate with expert individuals in these fields and work with renowned institutions such as Harvard Medical School, the University of Toronto, the University of Western Australia, Barcelona Health Hub, and Pompeu Fabra University.

Dr. Juan Sebastian Martin-Saavedra
Clinical Researcher and Expert in Music for Primary Dysmenorrhea.

PhD Alan Harvey
Advisor in Music, Neuroscience, and Neurophysiology, renowned for his work on "Oxytocins & Music."

Dr. Brittany Baretto
FemTech Advisor and Women's Medical Expert, Founder of "Femtech Focus."

Dr. Lee Bartel
Neuroscience and Sound Supervision, known for his work on "Music as Medicine" and its effects at the cellular level.

Tom Middleton
Sound Engineering and Functional Music Advisor, certified coach in Spatial and Sleep Music, and award-winning music producer and DJ.

Adam Hewett
AI-Music and Technology Advisor, Neuro-engineer, CEO of Evoked Response, and inventor of the neurotech utilized by


Everything you need to know about our app and how it can help you feel better on the daily.


What is Moonai?

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Moonai is the first and only (yeah, baby!) app for pelvic and period pain relief. BOOM! We have worked diligently to develop a badass, hormone-friendly, on-the-go, and digital solution that helps you feel better by reducing both physical and mental pain while enhancing mental clarity. We achieve this by utilizing neuroscience, sound therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, and below you can see how we excel in these areas.

How does it work (summary)?

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The sounds used in Moonai workshops employ a neuroscientific concept known as "brainwave synchronization" or "brainwave entrainment." In short, this process involves different stimuli, such as sounds and visuals, influencing your brainwaves to modify mood, pain perception, or enhance cognitive function. Each frequency has a unique effect on brainwaves.

When do people use Moonai?

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So, while writing this FAQ, we have nearly 17,000 people using the app, with over 80% reporting feeling better after using Moonai. On average, 30% of users utilize it to improve their focus, while 70% use Moonai for better sleep. However, these percentages can vary from month to month.

Typically, individuals initially start using Moonai to alleviate menstrual pain or PMS symptoms. Over time, they develop a habit of using it during each period and even outside of that time frame. Many find it increasingly helpful for sleep or to enhance focus. For instance, my mom uses it when she gets angry at my father and needs to relax.

Why is there a Premium version? Why can it not only be free?

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Onboarding a new user directly impacts the expenses for our servers, tools like newsletters, the workload for Agus in design, Ivan in maintaining app stability, and implementing improvements based on your feedback. As for me, LJ, it allows me to reach out and communicate with you.

Let's be clear, we are not an NGO. We are developing a solution that requires substantial time and effort, and we need to sustain ourselves. It's similar to visiting a pharmacy and expecting free medicine.

I am a man, can I use Moonai?

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The hormonal police won't stop you—so yes, go for it. Think of it as a painkiller—it may not know where your pain is, but it will affect the region of your brain controlling it. However, Moonai considers and optimizes the sound, app, experience, and neuroscience for individuals with a menstrual cycle. Studies have shown that music and pain perception vary based on sex differences, and menstrual pain management requires its own specific approach (psychologically, socially, and biologically).

So whether you're a man, someone without a menstrual cycle, Bruce Jenner, or part of a testosterone squad, you can use Moonai and experience some benefits. However, it's not optimized and personalized specifically for you.

We remain focused on delivering a solution for menstrual pain because there's still so much to do, it's still considered taboo, and we will stand our ground on this.

the science

What neuroscience?

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Neuroscience-based and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach is combined with ambient-drone soundscapes carefully designed by our handpicked team of music producers and scientists. We take pride in being the original O.G., creating these soundscapes with love.

Is my period pain normal?

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So hot tea here, we all have been taught that period pain is normal. It’s not. It should be addressed, talked about, and examined. Menstruation pain is addressed in 3 specific verticals which are biological, psychological, and social.

Moonai integrates those 3 verticals through the app experience combining the sounds, the neuroscience, the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, our voice and “realness”, and how we build “the user flow”.

But we’re here to provide a digital therapeutic alternative but will always recommend first consulting a doctor to discuss menstrual-related diagnoses and treatments.

I don’t have period pain or cramps, can I still use the app?

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Yes, darling, please refer to the above explanation to understand why. Am I simply unwilling to rewrite the answer? Yes, I am.

Why should I learn about what causes period pain?

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Your period pain has physiological causes, such as inflammation or medical conditions. However, research shows that other factors, like your thoughts, emotions, and social support, can also influence the intensity of pain you experience (you don't say?). This means that you have the power to either amplify or minimize your monthly pain. By understanding its causes and taking preventative or reducing measures, you can be in control of your pain.

That's why we advocate for body literacy and provide educational content. It's crucial to comprehend how your menstrual cycle affects you and why! For instance, how breathwork impacts hormonal variations, which lubes are safest for your intimate area, which psychedelic therapies are hormonal-friendly, and how to reduce inflammation through herbs, diet, and plants, among other topics.

Is there a difference in pain perception between men and women?

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Studies have shown that pain perception does differ based on the sex.

There are elements such as social conditioning and psychosocial factors, but many laboratory studies of humans have described sex differences in sensitivity to noxious stimuli, which suggests that biological mechanisms underlie such differences. In addition, sex hormones influence pain sensitivity; pain threshold and pain tolerance in women vary with the stage of the menstrual cycle. But fear not, sweet summer child, we will have some more educational content on the topic in the learn section.

Do pain prediction affect perception?

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Your period pain has physiological causes, such as inflammation or medical conditions. However, research shows that there are other factors that also affect the intensity of your pain: your thoughts, emotions, and social support. This means that you can literally amplify or minimize the amount of pain you experience each month.

Our past experiences often shape our expectations of the future, which, in turn, can influence how we perceive future events. Previous studies have demonstrated that our expectation of the level of pain from a stimulus can impact our perception and response to it.


How do sounds and music impact me?

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Not all sounds and music have the same effect, in the same way, on the same people. Certain sounds, frequencies, and rhythms can impact the central nervous system and help reduce the perception of menstrual pain. This is why we are partnering with neuroscientists, gynecologists, and psychoacoustic experts to provide the most effective sounds for period pain relief.

How can I know more about the artists producing the sounds and visuals?

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We will offer soon the possibility to know more about the artists through the app and through your preference. You can check in "About Us" the different artists with who we work and their links. Show them some love.

What are "soundscapes"?

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A soundscape is a sound or combination of sounds that forms or arises from an immersive environment.The term was originally coined by Michael Southworth and popularized by R. Murray Schafer.Soundscape encompasses the natural acoustic environment, including animal sounds (biophony), weather, and natural elements (geophony), as well as human-generated sounds like music, language, work, and industrial noise (anthropophony).

I ain't gonna lie, I've copied and pasted the Wikipedia and definitions.

What are “isochronic tones”?

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So, isochronic tones are repetitive audio pulses (like a "Vuuu-v' Vuuu'v" noise) that are evenly spaced, producing a distinct and consistent rhythm (imagine placing your hands on your ears and pressing them, then releasing them; it's like that, but better, and you don't look stupid).

These tones are used for various purposes such as relaxation, meditation, and enhancing focus. They were first introduced as a sound therapy technique in the mid-20th century and have since gained popularity for their potential benefits in promoting mental and emotional well-being.

What are "binaural beats"?

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My favourite elements, binaural beats, are auditory illusions created by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear. Your brain is like, "Oh, hell no!" and doesn't like that difference, so it compensates by creating the perception of a third tone. These beats are believed to influence brainwave activity and can be used for relaxation, meditation, and focus. The concept of binaural beats originated in the 19th century and gained popularity for its potential benefits in promoting mental states and well-being.

Do all sounds help reduce the pain?

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Brain scans show that your brain perceives music, pain, and emotions in a similar way. Listening to pleasing music increases activity in parts of the brain's reward center, and some studies suggest that music can interfere with the signals your brain interprets as pain.

Certain sounds, frequencies, and rhythms can impact the central nervous system and help reduce the perception of menstrual pain. However, not all sounds count, which is why we are partnering with neuroscientists, gynecologists, and psychoacoustic experts to provide the most effective sounds for period pain relief.

Some say their period pain is similar to what contractions during labor feel like. Others describe their cramps as if someone were stabbing, piercing, or scratching their insides. Research* has proven that music significantly minimizes that.

Spatial Audio vs Immersive Audio vs 3D Audio? And how do they help?

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Spatial audio, immersive audio, and 3D audio are all innovative audio technologies that have the potential to revolutionise the future of digital health.

Spatial audio refers to the realistic reproduction of sound in a three-dimensional space, enhancing the immersive experience. It involves techniques such as sound localisation, where audio sources are positioned and moved in a virtual space, creating a sense of depth, width, and height in the sound field.

Immersive audio goes beyond spatial audio with a multi-sensory experience by incorporating additional sensory elements to create a fully immersive environment. It aims to stimulate multiple senses, such as sound, visuals, and sometimes even touch or smell, to create a realistic and engaging environment.

3D audio focuses on recreating sound sources and their movements in a way that mimics real-life perception. It aims to create an accurate three-dimensional representation of sound, capturing not only its position but also factors like velocity, tone, and timbre.

In summary, spatial audio focuses on recreating sound in a three-dimensional space, immersive audio aims to provide a fully immersive multi-sensory experience, and 3D audio aims to accurately replicate the characteristics and movement of sound sources in a three-dimensional environment.

Why immersive audio? How does it help my pain?

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Our new release also integrates immersive soundscapes powered by Dolby Atmos technology, providing a more dynamic and three-dimensional experience for users by incorporating 3D audio (incorrectly referred to as Spatial Audio, see below).

The numerous benefits of adding this technology to well-being are still often discussed. One of them is optimizing the three-dimensional perception of sound, offering a more accurate and precise representation. This results in less brain fatigue from transforming the input (sound) into the usual stereo channel (imagine the effort it takes for your brain to break down something 3D into only 2 channels).

Additionally, due to its immersive nature, it can create a sense of presence and transport individuals to different environments, positively impacting their emotional well-being.

Lastly, 3D audio creates a more immersive and engaging auditory experience. This heightened immersion can help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation, potentially reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of calm.

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Help us improve the app

We have a clear plan on the new features, fixes and improvements we want to make. However, we know that our vision is not everything and we might be missing something.

This is why we created a feedback form for you to be able to submit your thoughts, ask for updates and just share with us how you would improve Moonai to keep helping women every day.

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Join our Moonai family and improve your wellbeing, mental health, focus and sleep patterns today with our app. Let it become your go-to, natural way of managing period pain.

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